Weight Loss
Jun 27, 2024
5 Easy Ways to Know if You're Losing Fat
Seeing the scale go down could mean you're shedding fat, but it could also just be water weight or, worse, precious muscle you're losing. If torching fat is your mission (and it's a great one to have!), it’s essential to recognize the difference between fat loss and weight loss.
Apr 25, 2024
How to Avoid Workout Plateaus with Ease
It’s frustrating when you want nothing more than to add five pounds to the bar and lift it easily. But how do you avoid workout plateaus? Today, we’ll show you how to change your workout routine to avoid plateaus and maintain muscle and strength gains.
Oct 25, 2023
The Best Supplements for Energy & Weight Loss vs. Weight Gain
As summer comes to a close, you might be looking one of two ways: Cutting for a lean fall physique, or bulking to be thick and strong during the winter. No matter which one you choose, there are supplements you can take to enhance your progress, and PVL has a comprehensive list for both.